About Kate Cotham

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Faceless Portrait

In photography class, we had to take a faceless portrait. While taking this photo we had to think about everything that would affect the outcome such as background, lighting, positioning and focus. I chose to take the photo with a simple background so that the person stands out and is the center of attention. I positioned the person using rule of thirds to make the photo seem more interesting.

I like the lighting in the photo as it makes the background more interesting but isn’t too distracting. I also like how I used rule of thirds and positioning in the photo, I could improve this photo by using more creativity with how I covered the face and framing the face.

Camp Kalbarri

Teamwork is a very important skill to have and it is developed throughout life. Teamwork is the collaborative effort of a group to achieve a common goal and is most useful when efficient. Teamwork is not just about achieving the goal but its about everybody contributing and working together. Camp was not just a fun experience but an opportunity to develop and use our teamwork skills throughout the week.

I was in Ms Saunders camp group, at the start I hadn’t really talked to anyone in my group before and I wasn’t close with anybody. Throughout the week I got to know the people around me and formed many friendships. I think many people were in the same situation as me but by the end of the week we became closer and worked better as a team. The longer we spent of camp the more we got to know about other people. We learnt about peoples interests, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses which helped us to connect and find similarities. Our group showed teamwork countless times each day through many activities as simple as cooking dinner to doing team games such as the ball and tarp activity. In our group we had the front leaders who were outgoing and initiated certain things but we also had the back leaders who were quieter and did more of the thinking and strategizing.

My group hiking into a gorge

Throughout the camp, we came across many challenges like carrying extra water for the night or group equipment. Each tent group had at least one piece of equipment which was for the whole group and we had the faster people carrying the extra water so the people who were struggling at the back had less weight on their back. At one stage one person was injured so a few of us stayed back with them to walk at a slower pace while the rest of the group went back to set up tents. Each time we reached our new campsite we would work together to set up our tents and then prepare our dinner. At dinner time we had leaders collecting the food and then distributing it evenly. Camp was an unforgettable experience for everyone to look back on for many years. We all learnt and developed skills that will be useful for my future endeavors.

Amana Living book project

Over Term 2 of 2019, I worked with other year 8’s to find a solution to a problem that Amana assigned us to solve. “How can we use books and other texts to connect with and build community for older Australians?” The difficulties with this task is that some of the residents have limited abilities such as hearing, eyesight and mobility. We had many different ideas to grow on but we narrowed it down to three main ideas. Those main ideas were a small book club, audio books and little free libraries. We researched Amana to see the opportunities we had and branched on our ideas. Some of the challenges we had was other teammates not being prepared. For example some people hadn’t prepared for the pitch meaning we had to wait for them to get organised before we could practice. To solve this problem we could have had more people in leadership and take responsibility for themselves.

I think that as a team we worked well. We had self management, creativity and teamwork. We each had different roles and different jobs during the project. Some people were in charge and took control while others were happy getting assigned jobs. Overall, I think that our group worked well together and had a successful solution.

