Category: Community Service

Amana Living book project

Over Term 2 of 2019, I worked with other year 8’s to find a solution to a problem that Amana assigned us to solve. “How can we use books and other texts to connect with and build community for older Australians?” The difficulties with this task is that some of the residents have limited abilities such as hearing, eyesight and mobility. We had many different ideas to grow on but we narrowed it down to three main ideas. Those main ideas were a small book club, audio books and little free libraries. We researched Amana to see the opportunities we had and branched on our ideas. Some of the challenges we had was other teammates not being prepared. For example some people hadn’t prepared for the pitch meaning we had to wait for them to get organised before we could practice. To solve this problem we could have had more people in leadership and take responsibility for themselves.

I think that as a team we worked well. We had self management, creativity and teamwork. We each had different roles and different jobs during the project. Some people were in charge and took control while others were happy getting assigned jobs. Overall, I think that our group worked well together and had a successful solution.