About Me

“Actions Speak Louder than Words”

-Author Unknown

Through my actions I try to set a good example to my peers. The qualities I value the most in myself and others are organisation, hardworking nature, reliability, responsibility, leadership and collaborative skills, which I display and improve upon. In Year Seven I was selected as class representative particularly for my organisational skills, and always giving activities my all. At All Saints College we use diaries to keep upcoming events and homework dates. I continuously use my diary, helping me to complete tasks in time, and prepare for events. I constantly work hard and determined to finish work to the highest standard. I take responsibility in my actions and work so that I can improve in the future. I can be relied upon to finish challenging work, even within a small deadline. I enjoy challenges since they test my skills and knowledge, and present areas which I can improve in. In Year Five I was chosen along with three others to go to an event to help develop leadership skills for students with leadership potential. Within group situations, I try to take leadership positions so I can help coordinate the group and keep everyone organised and on-track. I enjoy group activities because they improve my communication, collaboration, teamwork, and most times leadership skills. An example would be a co-curricular I selected focused on robotics. I had already tried out the programming software and explained how to use it and how it worked to my teammates.

My creative skills are demonstrated through photography, robotics, and visual art. I started photography in Year 8 and have continued to improve. In particular I enjoy bird photography as they are a fascinating challenge. I entered my first photography competition (Chevron Focus Environment Competition 2022) and won second and third place, including prize money for myself, and All Saints College. Robotics constantly requires creativity because of the many factors in building the robot. Robotics also requires critical thinking skills because of the complexity of programming. Visual art constantly helps me improve creativity. I am mainly self-taught by observing surroundings and others art. At my primary school they created a program to nurture the skills of selected students. One of the topics was visual art in which I was chosen (with a partner) to create a painting of the value “Responsibility”.

My photograph was awarded Second Place in the Chevron Focus Environment Competition 2022
Art from Primary School Program

I enjoy giving feedback to others and encourage others who seem like they are struggling. Quite often I am turned to for feedback and help for my honesty, explanations, and approachability. I believe that I should respect others, their cultures, and their beliefs. I encourage inclusion by demonstrating it myself through my open-minded attitude, and effort to involve others in group scenarios.