Project Utopia Reflection

Project Utopia is a project dedicated to redesigning the Fremantle Port into a place where all people thrive. In this project, we were put into groups of about four and developed different ideas for what to put into Fremantle Port and how it could built.  The project work required team skills including the College Capabilities, mainly communication and organisation. I found that I improved these skills throughout the project.

Our final vision board design.
My team in order from left to right: Katherine (me), Penelope, Saya, Dylan.

Good communication was vital. I was quite happy with my group which consisted of Dylan, Saya, Penelope and Maverick (who was absent most of the time). I communicated quite well with my group but could have communicated more and told them what I was doing/going to do. This would have improved our organisation. My communication skills came in most handy when we presented our HASS speeches about our Port redesign. I focused on culture and plants which I thought was an easy topic to write about and present. My feedback for my HASS presentation was good. My teacher recommended that I could have moved around more to keep my audience’s attention. My group didn’t give me as much feedback as I would have hoped. I thought that my public speaking was quite good. The showcase day went really well for me. However, Dylan and Penelope sometimes didn’t give Saya and I a chance to talk about our expert areas. I think that my communication could have been a bit clearer at times, describing what we chose and, in more detail, why we decided to put it there. I found communication quite an easy part of the project but could still improve in some areas.

Fremantle Port map with our original zone outlined in blue, and our final chosen zone in red.

Throughout the project, everyone had to be organised to enable us to meet our deadlines. I found it quite easy since I naturally organise my work. Our excursion to Fremantle Port made us reorganise ourselves and reduce our design area from the blue zone to the red zone to make it more manageable. We came up with our main idea of the water park and I organised what my group researched. I was tasked with researching the topics of plants, culture, and sustainability. I think I worked quite well when researching but I could have explored the topics in more detail. I organised our collaboration space on the OneNote as well. Notetaking was also well done but often I was distracted by my group. I could have made more organised notes on the excursion too. I would have preferred to walk around the area we were redesigning. My organisation skills helped my team to succeed in this project.

ASC capabilities.

Project Utopia helped me develop essential skills like courage (public speaking), problem solving and collaboration. Project Utopia helped me to become better at communication and organisation