One of the major Year Seven projects that I completed was Project Utopia. The project was launched we read the book, ‘The Giver’. This was about a utopian society. For our project we had to design a sustainable city like the one from ”the Giver”. We also learnt about… Science and HASS which both subjects have a huge part in this project.
To complete this task effectively as it was a large project, we had to work on our communication skills and more skills from our ASC capabilities chart. We also covered livability factors, sustainability and the UN Global Goals in humanity’s which had a main use in the utopian society. e.g. sustainability was one of the main factors we worked on. In our group at first, we did not communicate well but as the time went on we worked out how we could solve our problems and communicate better.

we also integrated humanities and science into this project, for science a task that has helped was the sustainable house which looked at how we could save energy and be water wise and create a house that has those features to save energy. By doing the sustainable house project it has given us more of an understanding on how to make the Utopian city more energy wise.
After the science we worked on the Un Global Goals where we had specialists come to the school to talk to us about our project. The UN global goals are goals are goals that were made in 2015 to improve global health, ensuring gender equality and mitigating climate change, the global goals were made to be achieved in 2030. In the
Even though project utopia was a hard challenge we got to have experiences that some people are unable to have. I don’t think that we could have done it without the teachers and everything they have organized for us everything, and also a huge thank you too to the special guests that came and talked to us and gave us some advice. The project utopia has taught us some really good life lessons and has taught me how to work as a team.