You may be asking what is the Christmas market, the Christmas market is a market were year 7 sell goods and services. The first things we did to start the Christmas market was to make a logo. In this task I had to be creative and I had to think about want I am going to make at the Christmas market then make a logo about it.

Then we got into our groups and I went with Ali and Arya and we made a brain storm of ideas we could sell at the Christmas market we came up with many ideas and with this activity we had to think about many things like if we are going to make this product who is it for and how will it help them and stuff like that. I had a machine that could put designs on it and we thought about that in the brain storm.

WE were in the direction of making the shirts but then we realized that people are different sizes and then came up with the best idea yet and that was caps with logos on it. The next day we confirmed that we were making caps and the next step is getting approved from Mr green and get the $30 to invest to make the caps. We made a power point showing how we are going to invest the money and what we are going to do. We first got disapproved because the prices were $8 but then we raised them to $10 and got approved a lot of the planning went wrong because we change the price later to be higher and the caps were some $4 and some $3 so less caps so we only had 8 caps in the end.

Caps a plenty.pptx

Design ideas christmas market.docx


After we got approved we gave out some roles and getting more organized Ali then did some more math and change some of the stuff so it would work. After school that day I went and bought 8 caps to sell at the Christmas market. That weekend I put the logo’s on the caps and it turn out great. The first one was pretty hard because we had to find out what venal was it because we were using the scraps and I had to show resilience because it took a long time and I had to be creative with my designs.

These are the designs I made.

The day on the Christmas market

During period 4 we got together went outside and got ready for the Christmas market. We got the decorations ready and was ready for the consumers. Setting up was pretty stressful because we wanted to make it perfect and we had to do pretty creative ideas to set up. Once the consumers started to come it was really hard people there was a lot surrounding our area and we had to communicate with them to see who was there first and who will spend the most money to get the product to see who we would sell it too. Me and Arya had to show resilience because there was a lot of unhappy people who wanted to buy our product. Our group was the first group to sell out and that’s because the quality of our product is really good and the scarcity was really high because we only had eight.

I really liked this project and it will also help me invest in the future. It was really fun going around and seeing how the other businesses were doing and buying some stuff for me. The total money my group made was $117 and the whole of year 7 made $1600 and so we are sending that money to charity. Unfortunately we didn’t get a photo of just our group because we sold out too quickly. So this is how some groups did.

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