Some of the little things about me are my favorite subject is sport and my favorite colour is orange and I am in year 12 I am 12 years old and am very tall I am very good at dancing and drama, I love watching YouTube at home I also love watching moves at home. I have one brother who is 6 years old and a identical twin who is 11 years old. I basically have a zoo at my house because I have a lot of pets and I love all of them we have 2 dog 1 cat and 1 bunnies because we just had baby bunny. I am born is Sydney but now I live in Perth. The school I go too is allsaints and I am in the house Durack (the best) together we try the best we can together no matter what.

The thing that I love the most about the world is basketball because I am a very sporty person and basketball brings me alive and just to have fun. Did you know that I am a great basketball player because I am in WABL that is a basketball league of the best basketball players some of the basketball players I verse are Dillan, Shawn Redhages son. Shawn is a wildcats player he also went to the Olympics and vs LeBron James. My favorite type of shot is the three point shot then step back jumper. I love watching the NBA and my favorite team is the warriors then nets then suns then 76ers then the Celtics. My favorite basketball player is Stephen curry. I made it into SSWA for our school in division 1 and I hit a game winner in the finals from three then my team went to the grand slam and came seconds but in the semifinals I hit another game winner and that means we are the second best basketball school in the sate without Callum my brother and he is as good as me.

My capabilities.
Some of my capabilities are… leadership I do leadership by helping my peers and being a big roll modal and let say some one is sad I always help them and comfort them because sometime the thing that there dealing with are not ok so we need to help them. I also show self awareness because I now my surrounding and if I do something wrong I help that person I did it to. I am really resilient person so let say if someone is mean to me I ignore them and walk away also and if I have a problem I am resilient and work out the problem and solve it. I also have effective communication so if I have a task in a group I will make everyone have a say and think there a big part in the group.
More about me
These are some more stuff about me
• I am someone who. helps when needed
• I am happiest when playing basketball
• Whether in the classroom or on the oval, I bring a helping hand Offer to help and I Show leadership
• My interest in sport, drama, science and dancing.

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