This is an example of a page.
Unlike posts, which are displayed on your blog’s homepage in the order they’re published, pages are better suited for content that you don’t expect to update frequently.
This page is here for you to create a profile about you – your interests, strengths, passions and whatever else you would like to share!
Click Edit Page (above) to change the information on this page.
Create a story about you!
Start with 3-5 sentences that showcase what sets you apart from your peers
What are your Interests, Strengths and Aspirations?
You could use these stems:
• I am someone who. . .
• I am happiest when. . .
• Whether in the classroom or on the oval, I bring. . . Offer. . . Show. . .
• My interest in _______ Draws upon my strengths of. . .
Make it visual! Include images of you – this page is all about you!

Direct people to what you want them to see using buttons and links to other pages!