Project Utopia Reflection

ASC Capabilities:

I learnt that I was good at collaborating with different people. Talking to people about what my group had created gave me a sense of achievement. I also widened my collaboration skills as I was working with more and new peers. I didn’t know the people I was working with well, but now I know them better. During this project, we had to really use our brains and be as creative as we could be to create something that would stand out above all the other groups. We also had to use problem solving skills as many things didn’t go to plan and we had to work together to solve them.

Public Speaking

During the project, we practiced public speaking where, we had to present a 3 minute presentation to our peers  and teacher who were the audience. We talked about our global goals that our group had been accredited for. We explained about how we achieved the goal, how we will incorporate it in the community and more. My group and I had to work together for this as we all had to know what we were saying to make it interesting and connected.  I know I presented well from my grade, although more eye contact could’ve been used. When working on public speaking during English, I could have used more fascinating vocabulary although I was delighted with our final product!

UN Global Goals

The UN Global Goals played a big part in this project as the more goals you had, the better your space achieved utopia. Chantelle Gilbert (a senior planning officer) spoke to us about global goal 3 (good health and wellbeing) and how having good mental and physical health is important.  Romy Lawson (lecturer at Murdoch University) also spoke to us about having many hospitals, therapy and parks so that the community will be able to communicate and feel like home. There were a total of 17 global goals, of which my group got accreditation for 6. These goals were good health and wellbeing; life below water; life on land; reduced inner qualities; zero hunger and no poverty. We achieved these goals by describing what they mean, how we would incorporate the goal and the impact. The process was challenging because sometimes our ideas got turned down and we had to rethink.

These are all the goals we had to get accredited for

From this experience I have learnt a lot. Including sustainability, talking skills, Australia’s 3 levels of government and lots more.  I have also figured out that being creative takes time & effort, working in a team is difficult sometimes and, Achieving your goal is easier when you know what it is you are trying to achieve, create a plan, and being organized to do something on the project evenly over time. I would love to do the project again and make our building more realistic! If we got to do this again I would’ve been more organized with a plan of who does what.

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