What did I do in aquaponics?

During my aquaponics class in INNOVAT-ED I worked on getting the wicking beds back up and running. My friend and I decided to do some research about wicking beds, which plants grow best in them and how to use them. We decided to plant chives and beetroot and keep growing the lettuce that was already there. Every Thursday we watered the wicking beds through a tube. When the water flowed out of the tube it meant that the plants have enough water. A great thing about wicking beds is that they are self watering so we can’t over or under watering.

So… what else did people do?

You might think that all we did was grow plants and eat delicious food. Yes, you are right but that wasn’t what EVERYONE did. Some people fed the fish some people came up with a new name for the aquaponics area and lots more. Now the aquaponics area looks much better, fresher and cleaner. Some people also made a photo book and some people cleaned up the garden. We also have a massive one tree full of lemons and one tree full of oranges. If we have spare time we pick all the ripe lemons or/and oranges and take them around to staff who are very happy to receive them.

During this project we had to use many parts from the design thinking wheel. Including choose, research, make, feedback and a few more. We used the part choose when we had to figure out which plants we should put into the wicking beds. We had to do some research about the different types of plants that could grow in wicking beds and, which plants grow the best in winter. The making part of this task was used when we planted the produce into our wicking beds. We had to make holes in the dirt so that we could plant the produce. One of the other procedures we used to make the wicking beds was feedback. This was done when we had a market and people got to try the foods that we made out of the herbs we grew in the aquaponics centre.

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