the planning process

To pitch the idea I would make a plan and do a storyboard so the producer would understand what I would be talking about. We came up with our ideas by all talking about the topic and then we put all our ideas together to make the video. Our inspiration was from Narnia. We made a script and followed it to make our movie. We had everything written down so it was easy to follow. Next time we should make a week plan so that we know what we need to achieve by the end of each week.

the storyboard

the script

the production process

We used cameras to make the video. We had to use different angles to film which made the size of the people and how much power they have different. We couldn’t film some of the scenes which was very sad because they were some of the better scenes. Our final video was pretty good which was a good result. I also learnt how filming at different angles can make a big impact. I think we should use different editing skills next time to make our project more interesting.

the post production process

When we didn’t know how to edit or got stuck we would ask the teacher or watch a tutorial. We used the talent and beauty functions on premier pro. When our main editor didn’t know what to do or got stuck she would ask us for help and whoever knew how to do it would help her. Next time we should use more editing techniques. Next time to improve I could try help out the main editor more

what the editing looks like

the final overview

I think the best bits in our production are the swirls when people climbed in and out of the locker. Next time we should get more time to film and all be in the film to make it more exciting. I learnt different editing skills and how to use the camera better.

one of the scenes

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