Matthew Mondello
I am Mathew I love Sport, Gaming, Family, Friends and Cooking.
- Year 10 Keys For Life AssignmentOn Wednesday the 5th of April 2023 My year 10 cohort and I went on an excursion to the RAC Bstreetsmart presentation at the RAC Area. The purpose of the RAC Bstreetsmart excursion was to inform 15 year old about the dangers of driving. An example of a danger was not wearing a seatbelt, the…Continue Reading Year 10 Keys For Life Assignment
- Science Project-Spagetti TowerDefine Our challenge is to create an earthquake-proof building that can withstand a lot of shaking. We only have $60 to spend on materials and we have to make the most of this. We are hoping to build a structurally sound and tall building, which will help us understand the architecture needed to build things…Continue Reading Science Project-Spagetti Tower
- The Principals of JusticeThe principles of justice are principles that are designed to give everyone no matter how they are a fair courtroom experience. These principles are important because they ensure that if someone in an Australian courtroom was getting persecuted they would get persecuted the same way as someone else. For example, everyone has a right to…Continue Reading The Principals of Justice
- Reflection on 20212021 was full of great things. 1 of these things was my English class. It was always so fun. One time Matthew and I (both Italian) were sitting next to each other and girls in our class were picking on our teacher (Mr Gatti also Italian) for using hand gestures. Then later that day Matthew…Continue Reading Reflection on 2021
- Year 8 Media Surrealism ProjectThis project was about groups creating a surreal piece that was based in a school that had the main character and using camera angles to create meaning. Planning Process: The way I would pitch this film is, A boy falls asleep in class and in his dream, he is in his school and every corner…Continue Reading Year 8 Media Surrealism Project
- GritsPerationWho is your Grit Inpiration and why? My grit inspirationer is my coach. He is just always pushing me to do better and to never give up on a dream. A time you developed your grit and why? A time I developed my grit was at the end of last year. It was my last…Continue Reading GritsPeration