The year 8 $20 boss project lasted one semester where we teamed up with a group between 1 – 5 people. After we teamed up we used the design thinking process to think up an idea of what to sell. Then we started a SCRUM. Some year 9 – 11 students came in to help us think of ideas.

This is the process we used to think up our idea’s. It is called the design thinking process. this process helps us firstly empathise with our target audience, then we define, this asks us to define the problem, then we ideate this is when we think of the ideas for what we want to do, then we prototype this is were the magic happens this is the stage that we make our product. Then after we do this and we get feedback we use this feedback to build on our product.
We earned our design sprint certificate which looked like this.

After a bit of thinking, we thought of doing whiteboard maker holders but after our first prototype, we thought it would be too hard so we decided on coasters. We had many designs but we wanted something simple. After about a week we came up with these designs.

In the market, we sold out so we had to start getting orders. One of the people who ordered our coasters was Ms. Provis. We were very happy. Another big part of the market was feedback, some feedback that we received was to make them bigger and make them into placemats and wall art. If my group and I continue this project this is another path we can take to make our business more succsesful.

Some capabilities that I used in the $20 Boss project was, problem solving by trying to find the right product, effective communication with my other group members and creativity by designing the perfect product.
The year 8 $20 boss project was every fun. I think it helped me discover my creative side and also my social side because of the way we worked in groups.