On Wednesday the 5th of April 2023 My year 10 cohort and I went on an excursion to the RAC Bstreetsmart presentation at the RAC Area. The purpose of the RAC Bstreetsmart excursion was to inform 15 year old about the dangers of driving. An example of a danger was not wearing a seatbelt, the RAC team got a guy who had become a quadriplegic because he wasn’t wearing a seatbelt to come in and tell us about his tragic accident. He told us that one night after he and his friends went to a party, they all got into the car but because they were bringing some more friends back with them someone had to sit on someone else’s lap without a seatbelt because this guy was the youngest he had to do it. Then they were driving along when the driver swerved and hit an oncoming car this guy flew through the window and broke his neck, and that was in a matter of a few seconds. This was just one of the many stories that were told at this excursion.
When we got back to school our teachers introduced us to the Year 10 Keys for Life Assessment. This task asked us to create a road safety campaign that targeted young drivers and the campaign must focus on the BIG 4 issues (Speed, Alcohol, fatigue, or distracted driving). I chose Alcohol because I thought it is the biggest issue out of the 4. To help us complete this task there were 3 questions that we needed to answer.
- What were the biggest things you learned while at the RAC B-Streetsmart excursion?
The 2 biggest things I learned while at the RAC street smart excursion were the Dangers of Drink Driving and the Dangers of Distractions.
There are many dangers when driving under the influence of alcohol. Being under the influence of alcohol impacts your reaction time, and reduces your inhibitions which means you behave in a way you don’t normally behave this can lead to poor decision making which can cause dangerous driving and/or death.
Another danger while driving is being distracted while driving. This could be from using your phone, someone showing you something or someone being disruptive in the back.
2. What one piece of advice would you pass on to young drivers above all else? Why?
Wearing a seatbelt has been proven to significantly reduce the risk of injury or death in a car accident. It only takes a few seconds to buckle up and can prevent serious harm. Young drivers are at a higher risk of being involved in accidents due to their lack of experience and impulsiveness, so it is crucial to prioritize safety and make wearing a seatbelt a customary practice.

3. Write down a pledge that you will commit to when you start driving. Why did you pick these things to commit to? How will help you stick to these commitments?
I will comply with all the road rules, respect other drivers and road users, and ensure my vehicle is in good roadworthy order.
Adhering to road rules is the most important safety measure for drivers and other road users. Respecting others underpins the need to follow all the rules and also to be courteous. Having a well-maintained vehicle will eliminate unnecessary breakdowns which are inconvenient and expensive for everyone.
I will ensure I know the rules and specifically understand why they are in place. I will check my car and get it serviced regularly.