1. Who is your Grit Inpiration and why? My grit inspirationer is my coach. He is just always pushing me to do better and to never give up on a dream.
  2. A time you developed your grit and why? A time I developed my grit was at the end of last year. It was my last day of camp and i had mygarnd final that after noon. my mum had to pick me up and drive all the way from waroona to Fremantle and as soon as a got to the game it started but sadly we lose by 2 points and it was sad that I did all that for nothing.
  3. What are some activities that develope grit and why? Personly I think that it’s not the activites that gives you grit it the challenges in the activites that gives you the grit. The reason is you could do canoeing but it might be a lovely day but if it wasnt a lovley day and the water was ruff you would need grit to keep on going.

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