Our Media Project was to create a surreal film, focusing on the topic of surrealism. We had a portion of a term to do this. It took many different processes to generate our film.
The Planning
Our task required an originally generated idea. We came up with this by representing the school as a prison type area, in which the students are all ‘the same and there are people of a higher power. We did not take any specific inspiration, however, we knew that we could represent students as inmates, and then other people as security guards etc. Our discussion went different ways in which the story of the film was either a contradiction between inmates or to represent people of a higher power. We could not do the higher power as we did not have enough group members to represent all sides of the story.

We used different preparation processes including our script and our storyboard. The script included the programme celtx, as well as the storyboard.
These allowed us to prepare and visualise the film we were to soon create. However, some things we could have planned better was our camera angles in the storyboard, as well as a more complex script.

The Production Process
Some of the technology we used to create our film was celtx, as well as the cameras provided by the school, and premiere pro which we used to edit and finalize our product. We used the premiere pro to use different effects and cuts to make our film look in one long scene. Something that went well was the overall story we created with our editing and multiple scenes. However, something that didn’t go well was having the perfect cuts of our filming to be put into each scene. We could have improved the use of our technology by using the different angles including zooms, height and distance, which would help our film. Something we learnt was how to properly use our cameras in order to film, however, something we would have done differently was use many different camera angles to benefit our film, in relation to our technology (cameras, premiere pro etc.)

The Post-Production Process
We edited our project together using premiere pro. This process involved collecting all of our successful scenes of filming and putting them together. We also had to split working duties, to find and implement different factors into our film, including music and more. Some functions we used in premiere pro were implementing text, layers in reference to audio, and more. These helped us with the final look of our project. We used little other technology apart from editing, however, we used some in order to source music, effects and more. Throughout the process of editing, something that went well was visualising how we wanted our film to turn out, this meant that our efficiency of editing went well. Something we needed to do differently was to use more effects as this would have made our film more visibly appealing. To improve this process of editing, we would have made sure to source all our scenes prior to editing.

The Final Overview
The best aspect of our production was our filming. This included not only the filming of each scene but adapting our filming to fit the surreal topic for each scene. Something that we needed to improve on was in our filming, to incorporate many different angles and distances into our film. Something we learned from our production was the importance of following your script exactly so the film would turn out as expected. Some things that we needed to improve on were…