My Weekly Plan…

Skill: An important and valuable skill in which I learned within Specialised Basketball was the use of triple threat. This is a technique used in offence, in which you are in a position with the ball so that you can dribble, pass, and shoot with minimal movement and effort. You place the ball close to your hip with a bent elbow, and lower yourself in a way so that you can explode from the position. Triple threat is extremely strong to be used within all scenarios, as it not only increases your ability to do all aspects from one position, but it also allows you to be able to consistently win 1v1’s. This is because being able to dribble or shoot from the one spot, if the defender does not commit to defend either your shot or your dribble you will be able to score with ease. I have managed to implement this into my games by firstly practicing this skill in both training and game scenarios. I have made sure to perfect reading my defender to be successful, and am now able to perform triple threat within game scenarios.
Course: A course within Specialist Basketball this year which I found the most useful was the strapping source in the second term. This course involved learning how to strap common basketball injuries, being strapping an ankle as well as fingers and the wrist. The course highlighted the method which to partake in strapping these, and how it would assist in injury prevention or reaction. This meant that we would be able to strap both teammates and ourselves when important in either a game scenario or off the court as well. This course was extremely relevant to me in the future as someone who is quite prone to injuries currently. Not only this, but is a very useful skill to have in the future for any circumstance, and learning other strapping methods in the future and how to strap other body parts will allow me to be of assistance to both myself and others. Overall, the strapping course in Specialist Basketball was what I found most effective and beneficial for the future to come.