In year 8 some students (including me) participated in an event for Innovate Ed. We spent a semester spending time practising and learning skills for the performance. On the day of the $20 boss market, we had to perform in front of the parents, teachers and students. The innovate ED project was about us trying…Continue Reading Circus perfomance reflection
Year: 2022
Year 8 drama reflection
Year 8 Drama Reflection Task Brief: You will be required to complete a drama reflection on the shadow puppet performance. You will outline what you did, how you came up with your ideas and how you made your puppets. You are encouraged to use photos and videos as examples. Below are reflection questions which will…Continue Reading Year 8 drama reflection
About Me Year 8 English
In Year 8, I had to do a variety of projects and I learned a variety of skills during the year 8 skills. I will talk about myself and the abilities I have learned during this journey of the year 8 course. This journey and everything I have learned has helped me in many different…Continue Reading About Me Year 8 English
Alcohol and Binge Drinking
What were the most significant things you learnt while completing this task? I learnt about Alcohol and some of its effects laws and regulations around the world but specifically in Australia. For example, you are not allowed to sell packaged alcohol to minors. It can contribute to depression and anxiety and make stress harder to deal…Continue Reading Alcohol and Binge Drinking
Science Moon fazes
The moon and how it changes fazes The film is about the moon and how it changes all its fazes. It tells them how it gets the light from the sun and what the moon does to help the earth. We used google also used some books that we found in the library, and we…Continue Reading Science Moon fazes
$20 dollars reflection
For the first semester in 2022, I had chosen a $20 dollar because I thought that it would help me in future business or any work things. I think that when I got my group I did not think I was going to work very well because of how much smarter they were which did…Continue Reading $20 dollars reflection
Models and me
Models and me My role model is Dwayne Johnson. He started off in wrestling and moved into acting I chose the rock because he always tries to improve himself and he inspires me because he is successful and that is what I hope to reach one day. He encourages and supports people through depression. He…Continue Reading Models and me
Christmas Market
Christmas Market We determined the price of our product due to our supply and demand and competition. With our keychains and coasters, we had quite a high supply but the demand for our product was not as high demand as we predicted because of our competition. There were a couple of other groups selling keychains…Continue Reading Christmas Market