Utopia Reflection


It was the biggest assessment I ever did. Combining 4 of the main subjects was unexpected.


Collins Modern Classics: The Giver :HarperCollins Australia

                                                                                                                                                                 The concept of having a perfect community seemed impossible. Creating and removing people’s emotions and feelings was not the right choice to have an ideal community. Leaders were trying to make everyone the same with the same personalities and make them not see colors and basically live they are own life. They were controlled. We did not want that in our Utopia w started to think about how we could create a utopia where everyone could live peacefully, we also started to incorporate how the community looked.


The topic of liveability was next. I learned about the liveability factors such as environment, safety, and stability, quality of education and healthcare, infrastructure, and climate. It’s measuring how liveable a city Is which was now linking to the giver where they planned a perfect community. Slowly and slowly the teacher gave us clues about our next project and you guessed it the project Utopia building and planning a perfect society. We had to choose what was our main liveability factor and we choose healthcare. Our main goal was for everyone to have free healthcare, so no one was in debt and struggles the rest of their life trying to overcome debt.

CIVICS AND CITIZENSHIP                                                                                   

The Constitution was a key part of our Community. I had to list of obligations to our Utopia so it would stay in balance. Constitution consisted of  Preamble, rights and responsibilities, participation, decision-making process, and how policies are changed. I learned about how Australia has its laws and compared it to another country like North Korea the difference between these two countries is that Australia has the right of freedom, right of vote, freedom of religion, and North Korea has none of these rights and freedom. Then we had to choose if our country was a democracy and we did since we feel that every person should have their human rights.


Paul and I started looking at sustainability features we could add to our sustainable house.  Would add eco-friendly paint to our house or plastic bottles made in bricks. 1 also looked at how would we save energy and water-saving features and behaviors. We ended up adding skylights, a water tank, a greywater system then feeds the plants, solar panels, windmills. Some of the behaviors were closing all doors and windows when leaving the house because of this, the house will not heat up as much, so you do not need to turn on the AC and Close all doors and windows when leaving the house because of this, the house will not heat up as much, so you don’t need to turn on the AC. This linked up to our Utopia has this was the houses that we had in our Utopia.

UN GLOBAL GOALS                                                                                           

 The 5 innovative ED  teachers would hand out accreditation if we understood or addressed the global goal that you were studying. Like our group received accreditations for good health and wellbeing, no poverty, zero hunger, and affordable and clean energy. The main goal that we focused on was good health and wellbeing since we believe that no one in our community should suffer from anxiety and health problems.  We got all the main goals meaning that we would be closer to achieving all the other global goals. Global goals are important since we had to find a solution to these worldwide problems.

PUBLIC SPEAKING                                                                                                                                            Public speaking was the most annoying part about this Utopia project. We learned the mystical keyword for public speaking and that was PVLEGS. Poise, volume, life, eye contact, gestures, and speed. Which lead to our Utopia presentation. My group and I had to choose what part we had to do for a 1-minute speech out of liveability, Sustainability, and Global goals. I choice liveability. I talked about healthcare how we get the money for it and the basic concept. I am pretty sure I was able to use some hand gestures volume and poise. I reflected on my Utopia model.

MODEL BUILDING                                                                                                                      

Sketched out the worst-looking Utopia plan ever but it was okay to understand the basic gest of where everything went. We had the option to build our Utopia from plasticine, laser cutting, and cardboard, choose laser cutting since it was the most accurate of houses and buildings. In the first 6 weeks we mapped out on a big black sheet of the strong paper base where everything went and scoured the internet for vector files. We were starting to stress out since we did not have enough time to get the laser cut pieces and glue it on our Utopia. We did not lose hope yet.  Slowly as we got the pieces weeks went by. When we two lessons left, we felt that it did not look that species when we had paper as roads and grass and laser-cut buildings. It was definitely the messy roads. I ripped the paper off and replaced it with plasticine we were so lucky since it was a scarce resource all over the year. As we spread the clay our fingers start aching. It was totally worth it.                                                                                                                                             The Utopia showcase was insane with our brochures selling out quickly. There were a decent amount of people showing up at our stand I would totally do this project again.
