All Saints decided to buy some chickens for the students to care for. These chickens needed volunteers to look after them as they were not taken care of.
Some of my groups goals included of…
- Finding sustainable bedding for the chickens
- Finding a way to make our bedding
- What materials that we could use that were safe for the chickens
At the beginning of term 2, we were tasked to find a sustainable source for chicken bedding, since the resources used by the school were unsustainable and were not healthy for the environment, my group included Justine, Paul and Brooke. My group started to research ideas to find sustainable bedding that would not be harmful to the chickens, we came to the idea to use paper and cardboard to substitute the straw bedding.

In the first few weeks of caring for the chickens, we researched ways to find sustainable bedding, but we didn’t know how to make it. After going through a lot of research and thinking we decided to buy a shredder to shred our materials for the bedding, at first we shredded cardboard thinking it would work but it only got stuck in the shredder, we thought what could substitute cardboard as bedding. We came to the idea to use natural resources such as leaves and sticks as they are not harmful to the chickens and also paper since it was easier to shred, we used this to show in the showcase.

On the day of the showcase, we decided to show off the bedding from before and after, this allows the audience to see what a difference the bedding was before and how we improved on it. or group split up so then two people would be showcasing the bedding and the other two were doing the to showcase the chickens with the other groups. One of the challenges we faced was that we were down one member which meant that we had to re-apply the jobs that we had on each other, we overcame this by applying different jobs to other people.