This is year the whole Year 9 cohort went to Kalbarri as part of the OLP experience. Throught this camp I learned to rely on others though teamwork and leadership and I learnt how to be more independent in certain aspects such as cooking food and making lunches. We learnt how to survive in the bush which can help us in real life situations.
Every night we had to cook our own dinner with the resources and supply we had, we also had to pack them can carry them to our next campsite. For the four nights we were together, we cooked and we assigned roles to every person in our group which helped us be efficient with cooking and cleaning up quickly

During the day we also had to make lunch for our whole group. Our camp group assigned different cooking groups to different jobs while we were hiking to our next campsite. My group was assigned with making lunch on Thursday, this was a difficult task since we were making lunch on the big boulders next to the gorge and we had to adjust to the way we were cooking.

During camp, others including myself improved our teamwork skills and it helped us become more independent by cooking by our self and by performing difficult tasks such as the steep hike.