For our Year 10 Health assignment, we were tasked with creating a road safety campaign. This was based on the excursion to RAC arena with the whole Year 10 cohort along with many other schools. We had heard from guest speakers, all with experiences to do with accidents on the road. We also saw a fake crash scenario which shows the actions leading up to the crash and the consequences after it.
What I learnt at the Excursion
There were many topics that I learnt about during the excursion, but mainly I learnt that it is very easy to get distracted while driving, and one the biggest distractions drivers face is their phone as well as how serious the long term impacts of the injuries are. I also learn how easy it is to get under the influence of alcohol and how it can affect the way you perform on the road by slowing your reaction time and your decision making.
What advice would I pass on to young drivers
I would say to always be alert when driving because the more you drive the more comfortable you get, even an experienced driver can suffer from a car crash. By being alert you can stay away from distractions that can cause an accident which can cause serious injuries or death and never drive tired; this can reduce your alertness and increase your chance of crashing. But above all I would prioritize your safety first out of everything, make sure you are concentrated on the road, fastening your seatbelt, and to never drive when alcohol is in our body.
My Driving Pledge
Here are my pledges that I will hope to commit to when I start driving and will keep me from making the wrong decisions by prioritizing my safety.
Never drive when tired, as tiredness can reduce alertness and reaction time. I will stick to this by trying not to drive after 9pm unless I really need to, instead I can take some form of transport.
Never drink drive, as alcohol can affect or instincts and decision making, I will stick to this commitment by taking a taxi or asking for a ride from a friend who hasn’t consumed alcohol.
Never use my phone while driving, its a distraction that causes most accidents to happen, by putting my phone in the passenger seat or somewhere I wont be able to reach will keep me from using it.
The topic my group chose was alcohol consumption as it is the main reason most accidents happen in Australia.