
Fixed Mindset:

In year 3 I played guitar for 2 months and, but I gave up because my fingers were hurting when I was holding down the cords. I also did not want to miss out on class time. At the time it seemed like a good idea to quit but now I wish that I kept doing it. If I stuck with it, I would have been doing it for 5 years and I would have been pretty good. I had high expectations going into my lessons and because I was not good at the time, I disappointed myself by not being as good as I hoped.

Growth Mindset:

Ever since I was 4, I have been dancing for Vanguard. Almost 10 years later I am still dancing for vanguard. Vanguard is a very competitive dance school, and you must be very good to get in. The teachers there are very strict and the dancing it quite hard, so it takes lots of practice to keep up. There was multiple times that I had thought of giving up when I was dancing back to back classes until 10 o’clock at night but I kept going and I love dancing there.

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