Chicken Project

In week one of InnovatED, we brainstormed problems that chickens have in their everyday lives. We did this by coming up with some ideas of what problems the chickens might face. For example: Making a roster, Making the process more sustainable and keeping the safe from pests.


Our group was given the task of protecting the chickens from mites and fleas. The first steps we took in order to make our project a success was creating a SCRUM board to keep organized. The map was in three sections; To Do, In progress and Completed. In later weeks we came to the idea of putting ingredients such as lemon and garlic in the chickens water, as well as giving them dust baths. The ingredients in their water get absorbed into their blood system and prevents the mites from sucking their blood. The idea of the dust bath has not been completed yet, but we are going to create a bath were the chickens can bathe in to get rid of mites and to stay clean. This contains dust/dirt, dried lavender and lemon balm. We had to source lemons and limes to put in there water. We got these from the aquaponics group and squeezed out the juice to add to the water. We also had to get garlic last minute to place in too. Overall, this project was really fun and it had a positive outcome as we got most of goals achieved.


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