During the ceramics surreal project, I made many designs of my cup and teapot until I settled on one the one I like the most. I set a goal to make one cup and one teapot by the end of the semester. I ran into a very unfortunate accident as my pot got smashed by the holiday program people and it was too late to start a new one ☹ I ended up making the best of a bad situation and took a remaining piece of my broken pot and painted over is it with black and red glaze. Although I didn’t achieve my original goal, I ended up being happy with my little 3D flower piece as I got to try out new skills and materials that I’ve never worked with before, and I still got something ‘pretty’ out of it! My cup was probably not the best I could have done and if I was to remake it now, I would use a selection of different skills and techniques to perfect it such as coiling, smoothing, scoring and adding cool patterns with the stamps.