My group and I decided to do our presentation on body positivity as it is currently a growing issue amongst young students. We wanted to raise awareness on the topic and explain how it is affecting more and more students due to bullying at school. 3 in 5 students are worrying over their body image on a regular basis so we decided to make a presentation to she people that they are not alone.
We made 3 short videos to show different types of bullying around body issues. One of the most common mistakes that people make around body shaming is calling people ‘skinny’. People still take offense to that as there are many medical conditions around it. We dedicated two of our videos to body weight shaming and one to body hair as that is the second most common topic in bullying.
Something I learnt while doing this exhibition is that more people than you think have been body shamed online or in person, multiple times and that most people are insecure even if they appear confident.
A piece of advise that I would give a younger generation is to not compare yourself or anyone else to social media because most of the time it is not realistic or achievable. Social media is the number 1 reason between behind bullying in school.
My Pledge
My pledge to myself is to not let social media affect the way I see myself and other people around me. This is will boost my mental and physical wellbeing by making me overall happier.