March 25


Samuel Adeleye

Welcome to my ePortfolio

  • Year 9 English Reflection
    Reflecting on my performance in English this year, I recognize both strengths and areas for improvement. While I have demonstrated a solid understanding of the material, I acknowledge that my effort levels fluctuated, impacting the overall outcome. One aspect that stands out is my inconsistent effort throughout the course. There were times when I fully… Read more: Year 9 English Reflection
  • Earthquake proof structure
    The final stage of this task is to produce an e-portfolio entry to summaries the engineering process. Your e-portfolio should have the following parts: Share and Communicate: Representation of the project: provide a brief summary of the project (maximum 100 words) We aimed to create a building that could withstand earthquakes, using spaghetti sticks and bluetack as… Read more: Earthquake proof structure
  • Spec Basketball
    Skills: Across this semester I have learned how to properly learn the fundamentals of shooting. “Beef” was very helpful in doing that it taught me that I had to have, Balance, use my eyes, Keep my elbow tucked in and have a straight follow-through. Shooting has felt more accurate and now I know when the… Read more: Spec Basketball
  • Collaboration
    This year we did year 8 English and we had lots of opportunities for collaboration to be able to show our ideas and learn how to work collaboratively, the examples of how we were able to collaborate were current affairs and the end of term 3. These opportunities helped me develop my collaboration skills with… Read more: Collaboration
  • $20 Boss
    This semester we did $20 boss, it was pretty challenging process because we didn’t coordinate well enough to be able to present our product to the market, for our process the first thing we did well, was we planned it out pretty well and we did the things that didn’t involve getting the actual materials.… Read more: $20 Boss
  • Models and Me
    Connections: I have written connections because I value connections with family and friends and they can be there for a lifetime, I’ve also done connections because, that is how you get around in the world without connections you can’t really get anywhere and they can help you, and you can help them. Legacy: I’ve done… Read more: Models and Me