November 11


This year we did year 8 English and we had lots of opportunities for collaboration to be able to show our ideas and learn how to work collaboratively, the examples of how we were able to collaborate were current affairs and the end of term 3. These opportunities helped me develop my collaboration skills with my classmates.

Current affairs segment/ Short story analysis:

The first task that we did collaboratively was the current affairs segment and we had to choose our group’s plan and then film and edit. I contributed by using my phone and I was an actor and I filmed some of our scenes that I wasn’t in. Another thing that I did but was individual was the short story assessment this was a pretty hard task because I kept getting different ideas on what I should do but I didn’t know which one to choose. By the time I chose it now, I just had to figure out how to finish my story. I had some help from Mr. Gatti giving me some ideas that sounded good, so it was just making it all the much harder.

Essay on novel:

Last term we worked on writing essays and while we were doing that we also were reading about the boy in the striped pajamas, this was pretty confronting because I had never written an essay but with good help from the teacher I was able to write a standard essay.