October 27

Reimagining Fremantle Port

Reimagining Fremantle Port:

In Term 3 2021 the year 7 cohort were given the opportunity to work on the Fremantle port development task. We were required to think about how we could still allow residents of Fremantle to feel like the culture hasn’t changed. Our group thought about how we could incorporate indigenous culture into the development as well as being sustainable with our ideas.

What was the Fremantle Port about?

Our group’s idea was to be able to create a space where tourists and families could have fun, relax, and learn about indigenous culture. We also had plants that stopped erosion so our café would be able to be on the beach without it collapsing from erosion. We also had solar panels on two of our buildings and a green space with plants for clean air.

Liveability factors:

We were thinking of an area that tourists and residents of Fremantle were able to as said above have fun, relax and learn about Indigenous culture. For our factors we thought about how we could incorporate half-land and half-beach into our area. For our infrastructure we had a building for our cultural activities, and a shipping container for the café, also a Cadbury café. Our idea is allowing the tourists and residents to be able to have access to learn about indigenous history and a cooking station to teach tourists and residents how to cook indigenous thought foods.


We had gotten plants like sea thrift, sea oats, beach plumbs and bayberry because some of our infrastructures were on the beach, we wanted those plants because they would help stop erosion. We also decided to recycle the shipping containers and use them as the café, because once they’ve cleared the port for any idea, they would waste the containers. In addition, we had golf carts because they won’t emit fumes into the air, and they can hold more than one person at a time. We also had solar panels on two of our buildings and instead of tim tam wrappers we thought of recyclable boxes.

Global Goals

Global goals objection: They are a set of universal and targets adopted by 193 UN member states that outline a vision for the future for the future and for people and the planet

 To help with the Global Goals of affordable and clean energy, sustainable cities, and responsible consumption, we are using solar panels on all our buildings, and we are planning to use algae as biofuel. To ensure that there is no plastic usage and that were staying fully eco-friendly in our food resource areas we are going to be using paper straws which are far safer for the eco system, metal straws which can be purchased and then brought to the restaurant every time you come and wooden spoons.

Public Speaking skills:

For speaking skills we had to research about the topics we were doing and make a draft paragraph we were given 4 minutes to speak so the audience won’t get bored. We assigned roles to the other group members for what they were talking about                

Vision Boards:

For our vision we tried putting all our ideas in but some of them were too big.