In Semester 2 2019, I had the amazing opportunity to become the Class Representative of my class- 7Z.
I was honored to be elected to the role, leaving many open doors for me and making endless opportunities possible. I loved my role very much and loved working with Mr. Green and Mr. Jamieson throughout the short semester, and being a very confident and outgoing person I also really loved getting the opportunity to speak in front of the year 7-8 cohort in Chapel with Reverend Helen on Friday mornings.
What I also really loved about the role was at the very end of the year, seeing all of the new year 7s for their orientation day and getting to know them, and making sure that they felt as welcomed as I had when I had come to All Saints as I knew exactly how daunting and scary it was to come and see brand new people and not know a single person and being the person to welcome everyone was really quite amazing in my opinion.