The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do. – John Mcafee
Hi! I’m Saskia and I moved to All Saints’ College at the start of Year 8, relocating from Sydney.
I am a goal-orientated person, determined to contribute to the communities around me. Other people’s wellbeing and happiness are truly significant to me; it gives me the motivation to improve myself to give back. I use organised and orderly efforts to improve myself in many aspects – you can find me surrounded by planners, to-do lists, and schedules. In my free time, I enjoy a wide range of hobbies such as the arts, chess, and playing videogames with my friends. I am a team player and I always try to uplift others. My main goals are to have fun, collect knowledge and experiences to grow, and to improve myself to be suited to help others the best I can!
Year 9
- Science Learning Area Award (Semester 1)
- HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences) Learning Area Award (Semester 1)
- Achieving first place in the Emerging Engineers Competition 2023 (our team accepted in the finals)
- Achieved a distinction in Big Science Competition
- Distinction in the Junior Australian Science Olympiad 2023 Exam
- Tutoring in the ASC peer tutoring program
- Accepted in Forrest House Council for 2024
- Merit in the Australian History Competition 2023
- Participated in the AMC
- Assembly and Wanju Cafe Piano Performances
- Illustrating and making stickers for 2023 Forrest House Year 12 Leavers
Year 8
- Science Learning Area Award (Semester 1 and 2)
- Languages Learning Area Award (Semester 1 and 2, French)
- Accepted in maths accelerated (learning Year 9 curriculum)
- Participations in math competitions – WAJO, Have Sum Fun (won second place in team competition), and AMC (distinction)
- Nominated for State Finals in UN Youth Voice Competition (Public Speaking)
- Performed piano at Senior School Recital
- Performed piano at Afternoon Tea School Recital
- Languages Learning Area Award Semester 1 (French)
- Debating (interhouse)
- Short Story Award – Highly Commended (School, Year 7-9 Division)
- Assembly Piano Performances
- InnovatED School Market CEO (Year 8 activity)
- Academic awards and commendations
Achievements outside of ASC
Year 9
- Accepted and participated in a piano workshop with Graeme Gilling
Year 7
- Honours Student (Ranked 6th place out of approx. 150 students academically) with a test score average of above 94%
- Completed Grade 8 AMEB Piano Exam (learnt piano since around 4, 10 years experience)
- Completed Grade 4 AMEB Piano Theory Exam
- 2nd Place in Senior School Instrumental Competition (Years 7-9 division)
Year 6
- School Captain of Primary School
- Dux of Primary School
- English award
- First Place in Chess School Tournament
- Involved in NIDA production ‘Out Of This World’ in Year 5 (visual arts section)
- ICAS High Distinction Mathematics and Science in Year 3
- Student Council Roles in Primary School
- Piano performances in recitals, exams, and assemblies
Hobbies, Interests, and Values
- Art (digital and traditional)
- Piano
- Chess
- Writing
- Videogames
- Coding
- Badminton
- Debating
- Anime, Manga, and Cosplay
- Music
- Fashion
- Taking care of my pet chickens 🙂
My Values
- Equity and Justice
- Sustainability
- Happiness and wellbeing of everyone
- Future Generations
- Gaining knowledge as a society
- Compassion
- Organisation
- Goals
- Open-mindedness
- Curiosity
- Self Improvement
- Courage
My MBTI Personality Type
I have the personality type ‘INFJ-A’ meaning that I am introverted, intuitive, feeling, judging, and assertive. In my past tests and experiences, however, I’ve gotten the ‘extroverted’ attribute, and given that I am only 52% introverted in this test, I feel like I express ambivert qualities. This means I am comfortable exploring my own thoughts alone, but I also enjoy and value the company of others, collaborating easily, integrating others’ perspectives. I feel safe in quiet, peaceful environments but I also love being open to new opportunities as I explore the busy world. I tend to look at the wider picture and see things in a different light. I value emotions and the wellbeing of other people more than being ‘right’. I am highly organised and structure in my day-to-day life. Lastly, I strive to be assertive and stand up for what I believe in.
Thank you!
Last updated 19/8/23