Project utopia

” Fremantle port tour”

Project Utopia to me has turned out to be an enjoyable experience with many unknown things thrown at us. Our task was to redesign the port area of Fremantle and to incorporate the liveability factors into our design. With this project I have felt, learned and thought many different things over the past weeks.  Throughout the project I have learnt more about myself and developed capabilities such as, organisation, collaboration and communication.

One is organisation. In the project we had many times that we had to be organised to get this project done. I think that throughout the project I have used organisation consistently. For example, I was absent when my group arranged the speaking orders and practised the speech but when I came back, I found it was all organised and what they had planned was fair and thoughtful. When I first got back to school, I was nervous because I hadn’t had any time to practise my speech with the rest of the group and we had the presentation the next day. But when I came back to school, I was able to adapt, and I used my time effectively and efficiently. Therefore, I was able practice my speech with the others with little time, and in the end, I had practised my speech well and I was confident with it. I think that I used my capabilities well here and was very organised.

Throughout the project I have used collaboration as one of my capabilities. I showcased this capability many times. For the project we had to collaborate to make this task successful. We had to use lots of collaboration throughout the project but I found it was mainly when we were making our vision boards. For example, as we were choosing photos, deciding where to place them and when we were cutting them out. We all had to collaborate to make our ideas work together. For example, I had ideas that I wanted to include for our vision board, but my group weren’t so fond of those ideas and therefore I wasn’t able to use them. But In the end we came up with ideas that all of us enjoyed and liked. We all adapted to each other’s ideas in the form of collaboration. This was one of the many ways me and my group used the different capabilities, one such as collaboration.

” My group collaborating with one of the guests”

In the entire project I have learnt more about my self and about the others in my group. This was accomplished using communication. For example, quite a lot of times in the project some people in the group would get of topic and not focused, sometimes causing us to be behind on some tasks. Mainly I was the one who steered everyone back into focus and this required communication. I think that I used communication consistently throughout the project and displayed this capability well.

In conclusion project utopia had been a fun and enjoyable experience. Me and my group have had to tackle many different tasks and we were only able to successfully do this by showing the capabilities, such as organisation, collaboration and communication.

“Be the CHANGE that you wish to see in the world.”

~ Mahatma Gandhi

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