This term we were given the opportunity to choose what we wanted to do in Innovat-Ed. This was so that we were able to do what we’re interested in as well as being able to do something that we thought would suit us the most. For this term I choose sustainable foods & aquaponics however I ended up working if the chickens. Once we started working with the chickens we assigned roles & groups to everyone so everything that needed to be done was able to be accomplished.

My group worked with the chicken shed with the aim in mind to:

1. Figure a method to organise the storage room/ shed for the chickens & to create a neat

2. Organised environment/ storage space for the maintenance crew who are responsible for taking care of the chickens throughout the week.

Some challenges we faced included:

1.People messing up up the chicken shed

2.People not understanding the message about how to keep it clean & organised

3.People who did not use the chicken shed appropriately

4.Thinking of solutions on how to create a more spacious place in the shed

5.Getting rid & finding use out of unnecessary equipment in the shed (such as cardboard boxes & old laser cutter exhauster tube)

In the first week we decided to just organise & see what equipment was currently in the shed:


Not much space & hard to find certain equipment as it was all on top of each other.


Equipment is more accessible & visible, there’s also more space.

In week 2 there we came an issue as we found the chicken shed was messed up again so we were now tasked with finding a way so that the people will understand to keep it more organised (throughout the week when we’re not there).

The first part of solving the issue was finding a storage unit so we could make sure that all the equipment was accessible & visible. It would also help open up more space. Luckily the maintenance crew had a spare one we could reuse.

Picture of Shed Messed Up Again
Shelving/ Storage Unit

The second part to solving the issue is

•The second issue was making sure the shed kept clean & organised throughout the week, we decided to print out multiple bold & big posters so that the message was clear & people understood it. This proved to work as the week after putting up the posters everything was still in place & tidy (including the following weeks)

The Final Result

This was a fun & enjoyable experience. Overall I think we were very successful in achieving our goal.

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