Media Advert

The Process

We started off by brainstorming the idea. We then created script and storyboard, using the rules of camera angles and distance. We then put it into action, filming the advert, based on the storyboard we made, we did this for 2 lessons. We then got all of the good clips and put them together to make the advert. We edited this and added music/sounds. We finally uploaded the final product.

The Idea

Me and my group first agreed that we wanted a product in the food genre. And we all love monkey’s, and chunky rhymes with it. We then took inspiration from the red bull adverts “Red bull gives you wings” and wanted some kind of superpower to be involved in our product, which we agreed on super strength. We then decided that “chunky monkey” sounded to boring, so we changed it to “Chonke Monke” to make it more interesting. And that is how we came up with our idea.

Three Obstacles We Encountered

We encounter many of challenges when creating the production, but I will explain the top 3. The first obstacle we faced was our time management. We got given a lot of time, but we still could of used it more wisely to finish with plenty of time remaining. The second issue we ran into was staying on track. Many times we would forget about the class and have a very unproductive lesson. The third problem we ran into was acting. We have many many bloopers of us laughing mid scene.

Something I Would Do Different

Next time I would do this I would change our focus. Many times would lose focus, both while filming and not. If we would have been more focused we would of had much more footage, and it would be a lot higher quality.

Project Utopia 2022

What Is Project Utopia?

The Fremantle Port Shipping Containers

Fremantle Port is relocating its shipping containers to Kwinana, leaving a large amount of vacant space. Project Utopia is to sustainably redesign and pitch our ideas for the port. The word ‘Utopia’ originated in the year 1516, however, the concept of a Utopia has been around for much longer. The concept is ‘an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect.’ But we plan to make this concept non-imaginary, and to redesign the port to be a real utopia.

Global Goals

The Global Goals are a collection of goals which have been adapted by the United Nations in 2015. There is 17 goals that planned to be achieved by the year 2030. We focused on these goals while doing this project to try to get as to a utopia as possible.