Hello everyone! I am Shaan Dhanjal. I am in Year 7Y, in the class of 2027.
I came to this school in year 3 and since then I have made many new friends. Some of my friends left the school and others came to this school over the years. I know that it is sad to know that you are never going to see your friends again, but it’s life.
I live with my Mum and Dad and have no siblings. Most of my family lives in Kenya, but some live in India and Australia. Some used to live in Tanzania, but they moved to Kenya. If you don’t know where Kenya is, it is in East Africa.
Kenya flag India flag Australia flag
One of my favourite quotes is “friendships come and go, but families are forever” by Kenney Rogers. I like this quote because it relates to my life. I had to change schools four years ago, which meant that I had to leave lots of my friends behind. This also meant that I made new friends here at ASC. Some of my family members have passed away, but I will always remember them.
I have many hobbies which I would like to tell you about. Here they are:
Making LEGO Playing soccer Playing field hockey Playing cricket Watching TV Reading books Playing Minecraft Riding my bike Mini golf Playing music on a piano Eating food
I show quite a few capabilities every day at school. I would like to tell you my three most used capabilities at school. They are collaboration, problem-solving, and organisation.
Let’sb start with collaboration.

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