This is an example of my best work because my collaboraters and I worked hard and did a lot of planning to make the Vision Board as specific as possible and focus on how we can make Fremantle a sustainable city. I also think it was one of my best works because I was able to get a lot of work done myself like the focus questions and writing our topic sentence. The collage like pictures and the drawings that my collaboraters did made this work stand out. I like how the different sections have their own little place together and the headings that we did to explain what the pictures went under. This work connects to the growing sustainable city that will be Fremantle. This poster helps to show how Fremantle will become a sustainale city by having clean energy, it will be a very liveable place and have lots of recreation and fun included. I found making the vision board more or less easy because some aspects of answering the focus questions could be challenging while finding the right pictures was quite easy to do. Also, the pictures could be a bit difficult in which you thought that you knew how many pictures would fit into the Vision Board, until you realise that the pictures are either too small to fit the Poster or they are too big for the Vision Board.

Our Vision Board
Our aim is to make Fremantle a sustainable city by building on what’s special to it. Celebrating Aboriginal heritage, designing public art, and highlighting botanical gardens will make this fun and sustainable space, with reimagined recreation, transportation, sustainable housing and clean energy.