Maths and science because they are very interesting and help me understand the world better allowing me to understand why things occur around me and how to solve problems that occur in the world. I enjoy practical things that make sense, and that is why I like Maths and Science so much. I also like HASS because I like to analyse things and therefore I like analysing our Judicial systems, economics and history.

I have been studying for my Maths and Humanities semester exams. I really want to do well in them especially the maths one. I am revising Trigonometry, Indices/logs and Algebra. And for HASS I have been revising all the topics.

Next year I have chosen which subjects I want to do next year. I am 100% certain that I want to do Spec, Methods, Chemistry, Physics and English. Some of the new study habits I am going to be implementing is not keeping my phone with me. This will limit distractions and allow me to focus more on my studies. I will also start to wake up earlier to study at about 5:00 am. This will allow me to study a lot more and do about 3 hours of study everyday while also being able to stay up to date with other commitments