science earthquake

overview of project:

a summary of this project is creating a building out of pasta and blu tack and you have to make it resist an earthquake and see how many weights it can hold. The process of this activity was to set tasks for everyone in the group. In my group we had four people so two of us were designing and the other two did research. While building we had to make sure our building met the meet the following criteria

  • Quick and easy to assemble
  • Has to have a minimum height of 60cm
  • A maximum base of 30 by 30cm
  • A platform on top which is at least 5 by 5cm.
  • Go through earthquake simulations of P/S and surface waves for at least 10 seconds
  • Costs less than $60 to build as 1 piece of spaghetti is $1 and 1 gram of bluetack is $1.

building process:

We then started by getting into groups we then had 50mins to build our first building. We had to make two buildings then chose what one we liked the most. After making both buliding’s we than chose what one we liked the most and the one we thought was gonna stay when the teacher shook the building acting like it was an earthquake and one that would be able to hold some weights then started building the final design. After we had built the final design it was time to shake it and pretend it was an earthquake, if it had past the test of resisting the earthquake we then put weights on it to see how many it could hold. Once that was done we did a reflection on stile.

This is a photo of our building half way through. At this point it was going really good our base was going really strong and we still had a lot of pasta and blu tack to use. the only problem we had was that our building was kind of learning on the side so I would make sure it’s level and not on a side. But this didn’t effect our building because we made sure our building was still strong.

This is a photo of our final design it ended up resisting the earthquake and held two heights. something that went well in our building was we had enough products for our building and didn’t need to get anymore pasta or blu tack. Something I would wanna change or do better if I was to do this again is manage my time better because towards the end we were rushing a bit because we still didn’t have a sport for the weight to go on so we all had to quickly build it in not much time while making sure it was stable to hold weights.

My thoughts about this project:

I overall I really enjoyed this project because it was really fun it was a bit frustrating at times but overall it taught me a valuable lessons of real life.

my achievement 2023

my achievement for 2023 is how far I’ve come in my soccer. How I got to my achievement is by my dad and my uncle, they both helped me so much to get where I am today, I was a pretty quick learner so I picked up the basics in soccer quite fast which was very helpful. A process I followed is training before the season started with my dad and uncle at the soccer pitch, they both taught me a lot of helpful things. I feel very proud of this achievement because I never thought I would be able to learn so much in such a short amount of time. I was also really proud because I have always wanted to get into a high division in soccer and hope to play professional and represent Australia.

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