$20 is a fun project in year 8 InnovatED. The main goal is too make a business and sell a product or service to make a profit which you get to keep. There were many processes we went through leading up to the big market.
The first thing we did that was valuable to our group was making a scrum. A scrum is a way to track our progress and to see what were up to. A scrum is made on a big piece of paper split into 3 sections, To do, In progress and Completed. You write all of the things you need to do on sticky notes and then you put them into each of the categories.

The next thing I found useful was the Design sprint. The design sprint was a booklet full of various questions to help with your business. We did it with the year 9-11 students.
The first challenge we had was our group losing and gaining members. One of our members left when we were deciding what to make and then 2 more people joined. We had to adapt and change our product to something that everyone could work with. We got over this challenge though and worked around it.
After doing all of these things, we started getting started on our business. We decided to make Painted CD’s and Tie Dye socks. We then pitched our idea and received our $80 loan. We then bought everything, and started making!
On the day of the market, we decided we weren’t quite ready to sell so we instead decided on doing pre-orders. We got about 12 pre orders which i think is very successful. We are still continuing to make the socks and getting ready to give our customers their pre orders.
I am wanting to continue with $20 boss next term because I really enjoyed it this term and learnt a lot of stuff from it. It taught me collaboration, creativity, and innovation skills. I think I have all of these skills and would continue to make money and have a successful business next term.