This term in life skills we have been learning about Neuroplasticity, training your brain, resilience/grit, and happiness. All these things are very important things to know.

Neuroplasticity is the ability of the nerve networks to change. This means that if you have a negative mindset, your brains pathways will automatically go to a negative mindset when faced with something. But, neuroplasticity is the ability to change that default negative mindset into a positive mindset.

Training your brain is a way to improve your neuroplasticity. Training your brain incudes lots of various exercises, such as socialising, playing memory games, juggling and more. We learned some of these exercises by watching a video of a man who wanted to improve his brain over 3 months I think it was, and he did it by doing some simple exercises every day.

Resilience and grit is being able to work your way through hard times and staying strong through the hard times, and instead of seeing the negative in situations you look for the positive. We had to think of sometimes when we showed grit, and we had to choose a role model we have and explain how they showed grit. We watched a video about a man who was born with no arms or legs, and he was showing how he was able to do everything that a normal person could, like swimming and driving a boat. He has 1 little toe, and instead of looking for the things he doesn’t have like normal arms and legs he is thankful that he has the 1 toe.

Happiness is the state of being happy. We looked at several things that we think make us happy such as family, friends, and more. We learnt about a man called Eddie Jaku who claims he is the happiest man in the world. He was a survivor of the Holocaust, and he is so happy he survived. He has written a book which we read some parts from and he goes and does TED talks around the world about being happy.

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