This campaign is about the issue of mobile phone use whilst driving, especially focusing on targeting young drivers. This is an issue for young people because our generation is very much always on our phones and using them very frequently which is very bad when it comes to driving. 95% of teenagers own a phone, and in 2019 over 300 teens (16-19)were killed in car accidents where they were distracted on their phones.

The biggest things I learnt at the RAC street smart excursion were not to text and drive, and to not drink and drive. I saw and learnt really how devastating car crashes are and how many people they affect and all the different factors they affect. I saw people who had been in car crashes because of texting and driving, and what they had to go though afterwards which was horrible.
One piece of advice I would pass on to young drivers would be to not text and drive, because that is very important and seems easy to do but can make driving a lot safer. This is because so many accidents happen because people aren’t looking at the road and they are looking at their phones instead. This is also crucial advice because young people and this generation use their phones a lot and need to know that when you are in the car you turn it off.
I pledge that when I start driving, I will never use my phone while driving. I chose this to commit to because it is very easy and simple but makes a massive difference and protects me and others on the road. I will stick to this commitment by keeping my phone out of reach when driving and not touching it. I will only take call with the hands free Bluetooth, and if I need to check something important I will pull over in a safe location. And that if I never need to be using my phone while driving I will not drive and instead drive with a trusted friend or adult or catch and uber or taxi or bus.