Road safety campaign

This campaign is about the issue of mobile phone use whilst driving, especially focusing on targeting young drivers. This is an issue for young people because our generation is very much always on our phones and using them very frequently which is very bad when it comes to driving. 95% of teenagers own a phone,…Continue Reading Road safety campaign

The Andrew Mallard case

The principles of justice are made to make sure that every Australian citizen is equal and that their rights are protected in the legal system. The Andrew Mallard case was a very unfair case where these principles of justice were not upheld. Andrew Mallard was accused and convicted of the murder of Pamela Lawrence in…Continue Reading The Andrew Mallard case

Life skills

My self Your interests Netball and Hanging out with Friends Your values Friendship and Humor Your likes and dislikes Likes Dance and Shopping Dislikes Math’s and Mushrooms Your skills Handstands rolling her tongue cooly and Being Nice to everyone Your other strengths Trustworthiness and Respectfulness How others may describe you Tall and Cool Involvement in…Continue Reading Life skills

20$ boss term 4

$20 boss project in year 8 InnovatED. The main goal is too make a business and sell a product or service to make a profit which you get to keep. There were many processes we went through leading up to the big market. The first thing we did that was valuable to our group was…Continue Reading 20$ boss term 4

Year 8 life skills – reflection

This term in life skills we have been learning about Neuroplasticity, training your brain, resilience/grit, and happiness. All these things are very important things to know. Neuroplasticity is the ability of the nerve networks to change. This means that if you have a negative mindset, your brains pathways will automatically go to a negative mindset…Continue Reading Year 8 life skills – reflection

$20 boss

$20 is a fun project in year 8 InnovatED. The main goal is too make a business and sell a product or service to make a profit which you get to keep. There were many processes we went through leading up to the big market. The first thing we did that was valuable to our…Continue Reading $20 boss