Stephanie Masaryk

Student Portfolio

Category: Uncategorised

Science Engineering Challenge

Summary of the project:

For this project we had to design a building that would withstand a major earthquake. There were a few requirements for our designs such as

  • is quick and easy to assemble.
  • has a minimum height of 60 cm
  • has a maximum base of 30 cm x 30 cm
  • has a flat platform on the top level of at least 5 cm x 5 cm
  • remains standing after an earthquake, as simulated by shaking a table for 10 seconds
  • is constructed from the materials supplied by your teacher.
  • costs less than $60 to build, given the material costs listed below.  This budget will be provided twice: once for the initial prototype, and once again for the second prototype.

We were only allowed to use spaghetti sticks and blue tack to try and create a scale model of our design. Once our model was created, we then had to test the design’s ability to withstand a major earthquake, any alterations we made were a part of our second prototype design.

Design process and alterations:

Through this project we researched, created, and altered many new structures to try and find the best structure that worked for us. This is what the process looked like:

  1. We researched and planned out different structure ideas that we could try, as well as allocated our group members’ roles.
  2. We started on the design process, gathering all our materials and starting to create our first prototype
  3. From here we tested our 1st prototype out, to see how well it could withstand a major earthquake.
  4. We evaluated our testing and came up with some alteration ideas that we then applied.
  5. Once the alterations were done and we were happy with the result of our 2nd prototype, we then tested it again. Hoping that it would improve and be the perfect building.
  6. After we had finished our prototypes, we then reflected and evaluated our building structure talking about what we would change next time, and how well we did overall.

Feature alterations: In the future we would probably start off with a better structure, one that we were certain would withstand an earthquake, so that it could save us time and pressure with all the alterations and to make the process a lot smoother.

 Teamwork and collaboration:

Our group’s collaboration and teamwork was super good and we were all working together and doing our part to help eachother through the project and do the best we could.

Paramie was in charge of the equipment and making sure we used the right amount of materiel and that we always had to materials in the right place.

Shi-Ying was our project manager and reporter, she made sure we were all on top of the work and she lead the main building process of our structures aswell as reported back to us about our progress and what was needed to be done.

I was the speaker/communicator I had to report back to my group about our progress and what needed to be done, I was also in charge of any photos and videos of the process making sure we had all the required footage we needed.

As a group we all contributed to the research and planning of the overall project. We all worked really well together and made the project fun and easy for all of us.

Prototype 1
Prototype 2

Our final prototype earthquake test!

Health; Alcohol & Binge Drinking



What were the biggest things you learned while completing this task?

somethings that I found really interesting though this assessment task, were the huge impacts that alcohol can have on someone’s body. Alcohol can cause many problems to the human body such as; heart disease, stroke, liver disease, high blood pressure, and many other issues that could even result in death. 5.3% of the world’s population dies each year because of this alcohol consumption, which is yet another big thing that I have learned throughout this task.

What one piece of advice would you pass on to young teenagers above all else? why?

I would say “Don’t drink under someone else’s influence.” I think that this advice would be above all else as it’s important to not just drink because someone else is pressuring you too, as it could lead to a bad scenario. Drinking under your own influence is better as it’s up to you to decide when and where you drink rather than just pressuring/forcing yourself to drink just because someone is pressuring you too.

Write down a pledge that you will commit to if you start drinking alcohol (at the legal age of 18 years). Why did you pick these things to commit to? How will you stick to these commitments?

I Stephanie Masaryk, pledge to never be scared to say no to a drink, only drink under my influence, and not just drink because it’s the only way to have fun. I picked these things to commit to, as I find that they are the hardest but the best way to stay safe when drinking, as saying no and not letting someone pressure me to drink both correlate to each other and if I follow these pledges then it will be easier for me to stay safe but still have some fun without drinking. I will still have a drink here and there, but to make sure that I follow this pledge I will do some research and find some easy excuses to say no I don’t want a drink and i will make my own fun because drinking isn’t about just having fun.

Our video presentation:

HASS – letter to MP

this is my letter:

                                                                                                                            Stephanie Masaryk,

                                                                                                                                       All Saint’s College,

                                                                                                                                       Ewing Ave,

                                                                                                                                       Bull Creek WA 6164

Mr Josh Wilson MP                                                                              

PO Box 1224

Fremantle, WA 6959

12 May 2022

Dear Mr Josh Wilson,

I am writing to you in hopes that you can help Australia reduce the expense of childcare.

I am a year 8 student at All Saints College. I am aware of the high expense of childcare and I want to make a difference, by suggesting some ways to help fix this problem and reduce the expense.

As you may or may not be aware, in 1993 the cost of childcare was as little as $2 – $20 a week, whereas today childcare is as high as $150 – $160 per day. This means nearly 40% of Australian families can’t afford to pay childcare, which is outrageous! On a minimum, families pay around $6,000 out of pocket a year for childcare. Keep In mind that an average Australian family earns around $116,000 a year, which means that 5.17% of their income is going to childcare!

Childcare is important as it helps children get a better start to their future and will help them transition through school. It also helps them develop social skills and build new friends. Not only is childcare good for children, it’s also good for parents. If childcare was more affordable, both parents would have the opportunity to work. This would be beneficial not only for the parents but also the economy. When they earn more wages, they typically spend more money in the community.

We just need to bring the cost back down to make it more affordable for families!   

The government needs to subsidise more to reduce the price, and help the 40% of families struggling to pay childcare. This would help many families around Australia and make it easier and more affordable for families to send their children to childcare.

It would be great if you could help spread some awareness about this situation and represent your state of western Australia. Hopefully the government will soon realise how much the price of childcare has affected families, and they will make a change to this situation.

I greatly appreciate your time and assistant to this urgent issue.

Yours sincerely,

Stephanie Masaryk

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