Renewable Energy – Science (Project Utopia)

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Solar Power

Advantages – There are various advantages to using solar power or solar panels down at Freemantle port as a renewable energy source. One advantage is that it is very renewable and it can be used for as long as the sun exists. Another on is that it is eco-friendly. A way to minimise your carbon footprint is to use solar panels. It also cuts back electricity bills. One of the most interesting things about solar energy is that it can help you minimize your utility bills. Using solar energy can enhance the value of homes as well. One last reason is that they require little maintenance.

Space – Solar panels are not that big. They don’t take up to much space and depending on how many you want you would have to be careful were you put them. You would have to put in a space or area that is always very sunny. The solar panels will need to be in direct sun to work at their best.

Sustainability – Solar panels are very sustainable. They can even be recycled. Solar panel components are all regularly recycled materials. Therefor making them more eco-friendly. They can also last a very long time and they operate very efficiently.

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Solar Panels in direct sunlight

Disadvantages – Solar panels may seem very good and efficient however there are some disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is the cost. The average cost of solar panels is $2000 – $3000! That’s very expensive. We may not have a budget for Fremantle but we need to find many ways to earn that money back. Another disadvantage is that it is not always very reliable. The sun obviously doesn’t shine at night therefor if the port is open all night then we wont be able to collect enough electricity to power anything. One last one is that it is also very expensive to store the energy that the panels collect.

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