My group and the products we made

For the 2022 Year 7 Christmas Market, I went with my friend Ruby. At the start we were going to be a group with Mackenzie but then it was just the 2 of us. In the end, we decided to make portable noughts and crosses games and painted jars. At first, we were going to make mushroom jewellery holders however, the stores we went to were all out of stock of air-dry clay, so we had to pivot. We then came to the idea of painting jars which could then be used for things like stationary, lollies money and more.
How much did we sell our products for?
For our Jars, we ended up splitting them into a complex pile and a simple pile. The simple ones were sold for $4, and the complex jars were sold for $5. All of the noughts and crosses games ended up being $3. Overall, we ended up making $68.10 profit throughout this market and all of this money went to the salvation army to help those in need.

Stall setup and the strategies we used

Our stall was split up into 2 sections. The first section (the one on the left) is the section that had all of our jars on. This section has a couple of Christmas decorations and bright colours to attract any impulse shoppers. The section on the right side is the section for our portable noughts and crosses games. This section also had a few Christmas decorations and the sign in the background telling everyone how much we were selling our products for. The main strategy we used was making our stall look as vibrant and pretty as possible so that we can get

Many capabilities were used throughout the process of the market. Almost all of the capabilities on the wheel were used. Some of the main ones are Leadership, Organised, Resilient, Creative, Inquisitive, Problem Solving, Collaboration and Cooperation and Effective Communication.
Taking Leadership is very important in the Christmas Market. People take leadership when there are problems that need to be solved, when no one else is doing anything. If people didn’t have leadership, then the Christmas market would have been a failure.
Being Organised
One of the main parts of this market is that if you are not organised then you are going to have lots and lots of problems. My group did very well at keeping organised and our market stall was a very big success. There were a couple of times when a few things were not going our way and things got a bit messy, but it is important that we recovered from that and became organised again.
Being resilient means, you can bounce back from and arising problems that occur. My partner and I were resilient when we found out our first idea weren’t going to work. We had very limited time to pivot and change our idea, but we were resilient, and he second idea was a success.
Having a creative innovative idea in the market would earn you lots and lots of money. Our noughts and crosses were the most innovative idea we had. They are a cute little game that can keep people off their phones whilst socialising and having fun. Our jars were also innovative but not as innovative as the games. Having a creative idea that has a purpose means that more people will buy it and you will make more money.
Asking questions means that you can get the feedback you need. Without peer or teacher feedback you won’t know what you need to improve on. If you don’t improve on anything your stall and your products won’t be the best that they could have been. Feedback is super important and because of feedback the amount of money you earn and the number of customers you receive will increase to a very good amount.
Problem Solving
If a problem arises, students need to know and understand how they can solve the problem and not create more issues for themselves. If people can’t problem, solve for themselves they would pull in others to do it for them and then they would never learn. If no one else can do it for them and they can’t problem solves then usually that problem will stay, there and never get solved causing even more issues that will make your market experience harder.
Collaboration and Cooperation
Collaboration and cooperation are the most important capability as this whole market was either with a partner or with a group. If students can’t cooperate and collaborate properly then the market experience, they hoped for will not come true. If people can’t cooperate and collaborate, they will also fail to get things done properly and effectively.
Effective Communication
If the people in a group or partnership know how to communicate effectively then they will almost certainly succeed in the market. However, if they cannot communicate effectively, no one will agree on anything, things will not get done and problems will start to arise. That is why effective communication is so important when you’re in a group or with a partner.
Overall reflection
This market experience for this year was definitely a very good one. There a few more things that i would change about it but overall, I think my partner and I did a really good and job and made a decent amount of profit that will go to charity and help those in need.