Sybella Wynell-Mayow
‘What you stand for today will not just influence who you are today, but how well you will do tomorrow.’ The Student Leadership Challange
My Story 💙
Hi, My name is Sybella. Some of my favourite things to do in my free time are dancing and drawing. I love to make people laugh and confidently jump out of my comfort zone by challenging myself. I have loved all of the amazing opportunities I have been provided with since joining All Saints College.
Whilst I love the Arts my other passion is also Innovation and Entrepreneurship. One of my favourite projects has been designing my own jewellery and selling it at market stalls. I have made quite a bit of money and am now reading the Barefoot Investor to know how to invest my money wisely. I love being creative and trying new things.
I am someone who loves to help others when they are in need because I am happiest when I succeed in helping others achieve their goals, making others laugh and trying amazing new things.
Community Service and Co-curricular
Community Service
Throughout my school life I have had the opportunity to give back to people, help others and contribute to the community. I have carried out community service at Oberthur Primary School which included:
- Assisting in a year 2 classroom
- Helping multiple teachers move classrooms
- Assisting with the setup of the Year 6 graduation
- Helping with the end of year classroom cleaning
- Making Christmas presents for students in year 2
Others are:
- Attending a Ukraine fundraiser to support refugees
- Salvation Army cooking
- Donations to Salvation Army
- Student Councilor
- Class Representative
- Assisting at assemblies and World Teachers’ Day
Co-curricular activities I have participated in:
- Jazz
- Contemporary
- Commercial
- Student Choreography
- Strength and Conditioning
Outside School Activities: –
- Jazz
- Contemporary
- Acro
- Hip Hop
- Gymnastics
- Ballet

- I have learnt and used in the past the five practises of exemplary leadership which are model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act and encourage the heart to drive school improvement.
- These skills also enable me to work collaboratively on group projects such as the Fremantle Port InnovatEd project where I am able to develop a clear vision of the future and think about what we are doing and why we are doing it.
- Some things I have learnt about being a good leader are to be brave, believe in myself, do what you say you will do, walk the talk, challenge what normally happens, the best leaders are the best learners, connect to what is meaningful to others, seek challenges and work hard to achieve them, inspire people to do things differently and when there are setbacks, reflect on what is not working and make changes.
- My goal is to use my leadership skills and the All-Saints values (Empathy, Respect, Integrity and Courage) so I can walk alongside my peers and help them achieve their visions and be of service to others.
- My goal is to be a good leader that understands what other people care about and what their hopes, dreams and aspirations are.
- My goal is to work with others to inspire a shared vision of strategies and ideas that can be used within my school to bring about effective change.
- I want to inspire people to dream about what could be.
- I want students at my school to know they matter.
- My wish is that everyone models the way and not just the leader.
- I have used school student survey data and John Hattie’s DIIE model to implement strategies that have a high effect size to have a positive impact on my school community.
- Member of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship team.
- Being proactive in running my own Jewellery business and gaining a Runway Market Stall on the common. I am reading the Barefoot Investor to help me grow my business and gain more financial skills.
- When I was in primary school, I was at a Chinese Immersion school. I am proud of how I learnt to learn in a Content and Language Integrated Learning environment. That means I learnt Math, Science, Chinese Literacy and Art though another language not in another language.
- I made it into the semi-final round of the Speak Up Awards with my speech on Artificial Intelligence.
- In Year 6, I was a Student Councillor and organised fundraisers.
- I was also on the Year 6 Leadership team, and I used John Hattie’s DIIE model to implement school improvement. This involved investigating data from student surveys to bring about change.
I started dancing when I was 3 years old at Kindy dance. I then attended the Perth School of Ballet where I attended ballet and modern classes. I am currently dancing at Betty Bentley where I do Acro, Jazz, Contemporary and Hip Hop. I participate in all the dance concerts and holiday courses. I love to dance which is why I also attend almost all the dance co-curricular classes at All Saints as well as Strength and Conditioning. I also do gymnastics. My sister is a coach at my gymnastics academy, so I am also able to help out in the younger classes with her and the other coaches. I also love art. Ever since I was in pre-Kindy at a Reggio Emilia School, I have always enjoyed creating different types of artworks. I draw in my spare time and love how the arts are integrated into my InnovatEd classes. I love nature and bringing that into my artwork. I live near Shelley foreshore and enjoy riding and walking around the river early in the mornings with music in my ears as well as admiring the scenery. Sometimes I even see a few dolphins down at the foreshore with their cute little baby’s passing by. Helping others has always been a passion of mine and making others smile makes my day. I love listening to music and hanging out with my friends. I like to encourage my friends and I feel good when they succeed. I also love animals and have the cutest little bunny called Snowy.