My Learning

Since starting my journey at the College in 2019, I have learned so much. Currently, my favourite subject is Visual Arts. I enjoy the autonomy and creative freedom that I get with it. Currently, I study the core subjects, and my electives currently are just visual arts.

My learning goals for the future are maintaining focus and being able to create a study envrionment outside of school. The best way I like to learn is by studying in the presence of others, and by listening to music while studying.

Things I have learnt outside of the classroom while at All Saints include collaboration and how to make long lasting friendships, and how to be resilient.

The three most important lessons I have learned in school is

  1. Don’t take criticism from people you wouldn’t seek advice from
  2. Don’t leave things until the last minute
  3. Sometimes we have to let go of things or people when they don’t change.

I would be interested in pursuing a career in either being a cardiologist, optometrist or a teacher when I am older, and maybe take a gap year. A university course I would be interested in studying after Year 12 would be a Bachelor of Education or a Bachelor of Science. The future is still very unknown to me! For now I’m trying to develop skills to help me get into those courses.

Since writing this, I have chosen my courses for 2022. Here is what I have chosen, and why….

Literature ATAR 11I enjoy analysing things, and enjoy looking at English from a more analytical than creative perspective.
Psychology ATAR 11I have a natural interest in psychology, and would like to maybe take further study into psychology when I am older.
Visual Arts ATAR 11I have a talent in visual arts, and I hope I can extend myself with this course. It is also a less academic course than my other courses, giving me a bit of leisure time.
Politics and Law ATAR 11I enjoyed my P + L unit in HASS this year, and I seem to have a natural interest in it. I’m considering being a Humanities teacher when I’m older.
Mathematics Methods ATAR 11I’m not quite sure what I want to do, but choosing Methods keeps my options open.
Modern History ATAR 11I enjoyed my history unit in HASS this year, and I seem to have a natural interest in it. I’m considering being a Humanities teacher when I’m older.

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