Fantastic Plastics!
This Term, we were told that each group in every class would get a $30 investment to start a business to sell to people at the Christmas Market. This tradition has been happening for over three years, and I was lucky to be a part of this tradition.
There were many different parts of this experience that each group had to do. The first step we had to do was decide on a product to sell at the Christmas market. My group was Gyan, Ishika, Chelsea and me. We chose to do Perler bead designs which Ms L had to approve were good after a second try, but the bad thing is that we had multiple competitors. After that, we had to buy the products with our investment. Which was my responsibility. The total was $25.87, which was under budget, which was good. After that stage, we were on to the creating stage. At the end of the creating stage, we were lucky to have help from Sophie, Olivia, Arianna and Beth since Chelsea was in Dubai.
Christmas Market
When it came to the day of the Christmas market, my group, including me, got very stressed. When it came to opening time, we could have been better when talking to the foot traffic because we had only just started, but we improved our human interactions over time. We sold around 23 products for the Christmas market, which was amazing because we had two other competitors and took more of are profit away by being there. The interesting thing is that we all got similar amounts of profit.
We also had to create a poster to get more customers. We also had to write a paragraph on the techniques we used.
My advertising technique paragraph
My group’s target audience is females in years 5 and 6. So I used a range of advertising techniques to appeal to the audience. For colour, I used pink because it attracts females’ attention which happens to be our primary audience. I also used black to make the poster seem formal and sophisticated. The last primary colour I used was gold because it symbolises wealth, meaning that people may find it high quality. Finally, I used hyperbole in the text for language choices because the words are exaggerated. For example, I used the phrase revolutionary because multiple groups compete for the Christmas market, making our group sound unique and better.