At the beginning of the unit I had 1 social media if you don’t count skype and YouTube as social media. Tiktok was a source of entertainment and that was the only reason why I used it.
I have learned so many useful and and valuable things throughout this unit, I know how that I should always respect other people’s beliefs and values. My behaviour as extremely changed because I have done something wrong and I realised the feelings and emotions that another person was feeling. I know that I was being disrespectful and I did not show any empathy like it says to think about in the book. This unit has helped me think about the things I say towards other people, the respect I show to people, that I should respect other people’s opinions and if I do not agree then I must respectfully disagree. This unit links to my life because I have commented on things without thinking, I was not empathetic and thinking how would the receiver feel. I understand terminology that are very useful later on in life like critical thinking. This affected my online behaviour by now I think about the things that I do and the comments I write. this will change my online behaviour in the future by showing empathy and thinking critically.