Collaboration and Learner Agency Capabilities
The Year 8 English Program has given me the opportunity to Collaborate and work with different people, using the ASC Capabilities during tasks and projects.
Collaboration is a big part of group projects and important to achieving and completing a task or assessment. This year I collaborated in a team group project for a Current Affairs Segment. We had to plan what our Current Affairs Segment was going to be about and draft our script. Each member received their role and gave their opinion on what role they wanted. As the project proceeded, I kept checking our progress and whether we were on track. Listening to others opinions, helped me create new ideas, benefitting the whole group. I encouraged my group members and solved conflicts with solutions where everyone was happy. Completing the task, I asked for feedback making sure that everyone was satisfied with the video before it was submitted. Using different collaborative skills helped me and my group work well together and receive a good mark.
I believe that an important part of Learner Agency is gathering feedback, from my peers or teachers. This allows me to get a point of view from different perspectives and improve my work. Seeking assistance benefits me and my learning, it helps me to understand the task better and improve and develop the task. I have used the capabilities wheel during Year 8 English for Problem solving, Intuitiveness and Creativity. These different strategies help me to enhance my learning in English.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
Helen Keller
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